Monday, March 3, 2008

'American Gangster' HD DVD Tops Weekly High-Def Disc Sales Chart

Blu-ray may have officially won the high-def format war last week, but in a strange twist, the top selling high-def disc of the week was an HD DVD release. Haha! What a surprise. Yes, you read right. Universal's American Gangster released on the same day that Toshiba announced it would dropped the support for HD DVD.

Of course, the remaining nine titles on high-def best sellers chart were all Blu-ray titles, giving the format yet another weekly win in overall sales, with Blu-ray commanding 77% of all high-def disc sales for the week.

A complete list of top ten high-def best sellers for the week follows below:
1. American Gangster [HD DVD]
2. Michael Clayton [Blu-ray]
3. The Rock [Blu-ray]
4. Cars [Blu-ray]
5. We Own The Night [Blu-ray]
6. Planet Earth [Blu-ray]
7. Con Air [Blu-ray]
8. Gone Baby Gone [Blu-ray]
9. Pirates of The Carribean: Dead Man's Chest [Blu-ray]
10. Crimson Tide [Blu-ray]

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